Dedicated to the furry and feathered kids I've shared my life with who have left this earth
Just this side of heaven is a place called the Rainbow Bridge
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills
for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are
warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are
made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them; who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent;
the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster
and faster. YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to
be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more
into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Authur Unknown

Taz(AKA Tazmanian Devil) was my very first rescued dog, and is truely the reason I became so involved in rescue.  He taught me of unconditional love, devotion, and of saying good bye.  He was an abuse case, It never fails to make me cry to think of the circumstaces leading up to him becoming mine.  He lived with a family in my neighborhood that never really loved him.  He spent the first 2 years of his life on a short chain in the back yard, often without proper shelter, and without clean water or even food.  Often he'd only get fed when he barked and they'd throw scraps out the window to feed him.  Eventually they made plans to move away, and planned to leave him chained in the back yard to starve to death, but I was told about him the day before they planned to leave and was finally able to convince them to let me take him.  He weighed less then half of what he should have, and had deep welts in his body from when they're oldest son would come home drunk and beat him with his chain.  Sadly, after months and months of nursing him back to health, getting his weight back up, and pampering him along, the inevitable came, and I had to say goodbye.  The abuse ruined him, he just couldn't put it behind him and move on, no behaviorist we tried could undo what had already been done, and he was labeled a dangerous dog, he was unpredicatable, and sadly, had to be euthanized, but his legacy lives on with each and every dog that I bring in and find a new loving home!  I dream of the day that there will be no dogs like Taz, that every dog ever born will have a loving home waiting for it!!!!!!!! 

Good bye my sweet Taz, you are now in a world where pain and sorrow don't exist, you are now free to run, jump, and play!  I will always love you, but for now, be free, for some day we will be together again!!! 

Sandy was a dream come true.  After rescueing Taz, I became heavily involved with volunteering at a local animal shelter.  While there, Sandy came into my life.  He'd been another abuse case, spending the first 5 years of his life chained behind on office building during the day, and in a back yard at night.  Finally the man's wife decided she no longer wanted Sandy, and made him bring him to the shelter.  Sandy quickly overcame his past, and was the perfect dog.  Not once in the year we had him did he have an accident in the house or chew something up, he's the dog everyone dreams of, that can just walk into your life and fit perfectly without any training at all!  He was the kind of dog that was always there, but never got in the way, perfect in every way.....except one.  He was a runner, if he got loose, he was hard to catch, the trick we learned was to just ignore him and leave the door open and he'd quickly tire of the game and come home.  Sadly, that small fault is what lead to his death one dreary February day.  We where leaving town, and left him with a pet sitter at her home.  We warned her of Sandy's fault, and told her how to get him back if he did excape.  We warned her to not leave him outside unattended, even for a minute, because he liked to dig and would dig under the fence and get loose.  She didn't follow our advice, and put him outside as soon as we left.  As we told her he would, he dug under her fence and excaped, and then she proceeded to chase him-First on foot, then by bike, then by car-Sandy wasn't stupid, and at that point decided he would come home on his own.  But he never made it, he was hit on the highway on his way home, and despite working on him non-stop for almost 2 hrs, the vet wasn't able to save his life.

We miss you Sandy man, our giant teddy bear!  You where such a good boy, you took a big piece of our hearts with you!  You will never be forgotten, we will never make the same mistake again, I just wish we'd known sooner!!!!!!

Ivy wasn't truely my second IG, Sweet Sarah Marie was.  I bought her from a local breeder, and was able to watch her grow from the day she was born.  I knew the moment I first laid eyes on her that she was ment to be mine, she was so perfect!  I spent much of my free time at the breeders and was able to work with her from the time she first learned to walk!  She was paper trained by 6 weeks, and would never potty in the house by 8 weeks!  She was so smart and beautiful!  Sadly, her life was cut to short.  When we gave her  the second set of shots at 10 weeks of age, she had a bad reaction, and it went downhill from there.  We treated her for the reaction, and thought she was coming around.  The vet set her home, only for me to rush her back in later that day when she suddenly started vomitting and had bad diarrhea.  Once again she went on fluids and supportive care, the reaction had weakened her immune system to much, and despite all our efforts, Sarah passed away quietly in her sleep that night.

My sweet little girl, you left to soon!  You where such a blessing, you where so perfect!  You where blessed to have never know the hardship of the word, but you also never got to experiance the joys.  I will always miss you, I rejoice at the short time we had together.

Mona came from the worse rescue mission I've been on.  I'd been working with a puppy mill owner for some time trying to get her to either improve the care she gave the dogs or let me take them and get them better homes.  Finally after a year and a half she agreed to sign her IGs over to me.  She was in another state, so it took me a couple of days to make the arrangements to get there, and I've regretted not just jumping and going ever since.  I was horrified by the scene laid out before me. Most of them where sandwitched together in a filthy kennel out in a barn, walking in thier own feces.  The 6th, Mona, had been attacked by the other dogs, and was in bad shape.  They'd just pulled her out and threw her in a filthy wire crate with no pan, so she was laying in the dirt.  While laying there she delivered a litter of puppies that died, because she didn't have the strength to take care of them.  Her glands where swollen with milk, and badly infected, her groin had been torn leaving a good 3 inch whole, and was full of infection and maggots.  She was nearly gone by the time I got there, I rushed her to the closest vet, and then went to 2 others before finally finding one that would give her a chance.  Even in the summertime, her body temp was so low it wouldn't register :(  They put her on warm IV fluids, cleaned out her wounds, and put her in a heated kennel where they could slowly try to bring up her body temp.  Sadly, despite thier efforts, Mona didn't make it, but at least she died warm, knowing that she was loved and that we where trying to help her, I've never seen such gratitude in a dogs eyes as I did in Mona's right before she closed them once and for all, never to open them again.

I love you sweet Mona, I'm so sorry!!!  If only I had come sooner, perhaps we could have saved you!  Your loss was a true tragity, but from your loss, I have learned much.  I won't make the same mistake again, I will always drop everything when I hear of dogs that need help.  Run free of pain, run free of sorrow, your memory will go on to save many others, every puppy mill rescue I bring in owes it's life to you!!!!

Ciel and Joli where my first 2 parakeets.  I took them in when thier owner could no longer keep them and brought them into a petshop that I just happened to be at that day.  The petshop didn't sell animals, but I quickly agreed to give them a good home.  They brought so much joy to my life, and made me fall in love with the gentle sweet nature of Keets.  Joli was my baby, everytime I opened the cage door he would fly out to greet me.  Ciel was a bit more reserved, but still was very willing to let me knos she loved me.  Tragity struck when I was cleaning thier cage one day and I'd forgotten to lock my roomate's cavalier king charles spaniel out of the room.  Joli excaped from the cage, and the dog got him.  I got to him before the dog killed him, but the dog had broken his wing.  I took him to the vet and tried to treat him, but the stress of the accident took over, and 2 days later, Joli died.  Shortly there after Ciel stopped eating, morning for her lost love.  I tried hand feeding her, but she wouldn't have it, and died a week later.  Ciel and Joli where always a team, they loved each other, and Ciel simply didn't wish to go on without Joli.

I miss you my sweet keets, fly free together in the heavens!  Sing your sweet songs, bring joy to the other angels, for some day we will be reunited on the other side of the bridge, and will never be seperated again!!!!!!!